Romantic Times Convention Highlights
As you may already know, this year marked the very last Romantic Times convention—you can read more about that in this article—and it was...

One More Night is a Booksellers' Best Finalist!
Today was supposed to be dedicated to last-minute errands for the Romantic Times Conference in Reno. Since I'm always giddy and nervous...

My Harlequin Primer, Part One
As you may already know, I've been reading TONS of Harlequin series romances recently. Presents, Kimani, Dare - you name it, I've read...

Darkness by Karen Robards
My author buddy Stacy Finz told me about this book months ago when I was thinking through a romantic suspense set in the woods of...

Best Laid Plans - UK Cover Reveal
The UK cover for my first Harlequin DARE book, Best Laid Plans, is here! Folks, I love it. It's hot (as is the book) but not...

Top 5 Reads of 2017
Yep, it’s really December. Our (eclectic) Christmas tree is up, and we had an advent brunch last weekend with candles and pumpkin muffins...

Story Wanderlust – The Writer’s Version
In my 20s, I was dogged by what I now can see was wanderlust. It started with a semester abroad in Cáceres, Spain, and a healthy dose of...

Two Giveaways for You!
Hi everyone! Release day is coming in a week!! I wanted to share two places where you could win a signed paperback of my upcoming...

One More Night and related news
One More Night is coming on September 14, and it's up for $.99 pre-order. This book contains all four episodes of the Stockholm Diaries,...

Summer Deal - August 3-17
Have you checked out Stockholm Diaries, Melanie yet? It's $.99 at all retailers right now! Here's a short, fun book trailer to get you in...