$.99 Sale: Stockholm Diaries, Melanie!
This week, I'm flying down for my first Romance Writers of American national conference, and in celebration, Stockholm Diaries, Melanie will be $.99! If you're in San Diego, stop by and say hello to me at the Indie Author Signing on Thursday, July 14! I'm really excited to listen to what so many of my own favorite romance authors have to say. I'm not even sure who will be there, but if I got to choose, I'd love to sit down and have a round-table talk with Lisa Kleypas, author some of the best heroes, Cara McKenna author some of my favorite sexy, emotional books, and Sylvia Day one of the most savvy businesswomen in the industry! More realistically, I'm looking forward to meeting some other great authors I admire, such as Zoe York and Zoe York. Yippee!!