Summer Reading

Summer is just around the corner... or already here, for some of us! My family and I are leaving for vacation in Hawaii in six days, which sounds very optimistic at this point since our kids still have five more days of school. What were we thinking??
I haven't even started to think about clothes or sunscreen or shoes, but I have spent some time thinking about the books I'll bring. This was aided by my trip to the Berkeley Library's discarded library booth at the Bay Area Book Festival last weekend, where I found a good selection of authors and books I've been meaning to read. As you can see from the photo, they're all books by well-established authors in romance... but they won't all fit into the tiny suitcase I plan to take.
No matter how much time I spend reading this summer, I'll never get through my To Be Read list, so I want to craft my short list carefully. Here are some factors I'm considering:
- A mix of new and well-established authors. Reading well-established authors often means I know what I expect (in a good way), but with new authors it's a little more of a surprise, sometimes the great kind and sometimes, not as great:)
- A mix of contemporary, historical and paranormal books. Each genre has different strengths. I'll probably throw in a romance suspense as well, since I'm in the middle of writing one!
- Both paperbacks and ebooks for different settings (plane rides, night reading, beach reading...)
What else should I consider? Any recommendations?
P.S. I'm part of the Sizzling Summer Reads at The Romance Reviews. Come check it out the different giveaways all month long: